United Way Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) of Northwest Indiana is holding their 2nd Annual Sample Size Drive running now through January 1st of 2016. Last year they were able to collect over 5,000 toiletry and other basic hygiene items that could be used by local food pantries and homeless shelters in their four counties of service. This year they are expanding their collection to not only go out to other local non-profits in need but also to be use for care packages for our Troops overseas during the holiday season.
Many individuals don’t have the funds to purchase hygiene products, and government assistance programs, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also can’t be used to buy them. The United Way RSVP wanted to help fill this gap and are asking others to help as well.
“This is a great way to help those in need around our community,” said United Way RSVP of NWI Director Michael Glorioso. “During the holiday season our food pantries are inundated with pounds of food donations but they rarely receive this toiletry donations which are sometime harder to come by.”
The items that are most in need are: shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, soap/body wash, shaving cream, feminine products, and lotion.
“We are excited that the Calumet Community College Athletic Dept. in Whiting, and the Memorial Opera House in Valparaiso has partnered with RSVP for this project along with numerous churches non-profits and private citizens. Yet, there is still a large need in the community for these goods and we want to help as many people as possible”, said Mr. Glorioso.
Donations for the Sample Size Drive can be dropped at United Way of Porter County (951 Eastport Center Drive, Valparaiso IN 46384), the Memorial Opera House (104 Indiana Ave, Valparaiso IN 46383) or any of the participating United Way RSVP stations. Some of our beneficiaries of this program include; We Care from the Heart, Sacred Heart Food Pantry, Starke County Community Service, Adam Benjamin VA Clinic, Blue Star Mothers, St. Vincent DePaul, Indiana State Veterans Home and Sojourner Truth House.
For additional information, contact Michael Glorioso at michael@unitedwaypc.org or call the United Way RSVP office at 219-464-3583.
United Way RSVP of Northwest Indiana connects individuals over the age of 55 with volunteer opportunities in their community. They currently have over 325 volunteers who give their time to 46 agencies throughout Lake, Porter, LaPorte, and Starke Counties. For more information, visit www.nwivolunteer.org or call 219-464-3583