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Vale Park Animal Hospital is hiring

Vale Park Animal Hospital is hiring

Vale Park Animal Hospital Is an established, growing practice In Northwest Indiana, just outside of Chicago. We are seeklng two eager associates to Join our brand new locaUon. In June of 2020. we moved from our old location to our state of the art building where we integrated new services, a Fear Free design, and easier access for our wonderful client base.

Our team consists of an established DVM team to provide mentorshlp to newer graduates and a comfortable landing for a seasoned veteran,a support team that Is well trained, and a loyal client base who expects their patients to be worked up while receiving exceptional customer service. Because we have experience, support, and demand for high level service, we are able to offer many culling edge technologies at our office: Laproscopic surgery, digital dental, and DR X-ray. In house laboratory services. surgical and therapeutic laser, and ultrasound.

As there are several wonderful ER facilities in our area, no scheduled on call ls required. We are open Monday-Saturday, while also offering boarding and day care options to our patients through the rest of the weekend.

Our ideal candidate is someone who has a strong interest in providing exceptional patient care while also offering the client a wonderful experience. We support lifelong learning and encourage our veterinary team to pursue CE opportunities wherever their interests lie. Given that we are a large hospital, with 6 veterinarians already on staff, a strong team mentality is required to join our practice.

Our compensation package includes:

Significant signing bonus and/or relocation stipend
Pro-sal style of compensation with a comfortable base 401k
Health and disability insurance offerings
Vacation time
CE time and stipends
Licensure and professional membership reimbursement

Valparaiso, Indiana is a growing community with a ton to offer. There's easy access to shopping, nature, Chicago, travel, great food options, and yet it has a small, hometown type of feel that allows you to relax while on your down time. There's something here for everyone, professionally at Vale Animal Hospital, and personally in the great community that we call home.

If you are interested, please contact the clinic directly at (219) 462- 5785 and ask for Dr. Brent Lakia or email him directly at blakla@yaleparkah.cgm. We look forward to hearing from you.