Valparaiso High School’s Drama Club showcased a generational classic and energetic musical Grease, which had its opening on Friday, November 22nd. The play tells the story of two estranged teenagers, named Danny and Sandy, along with their own group of friends, back in the greaser hay-day’s of the 1950s. It is complete with gangs called the Pink Ladies and the T-Birds, classic cars, dance competitions, and high spirited relationships. It’s a recognizable play due to it’s highly popular film from the 1970s, with songs that most teenagers know the lyrics to; it was a wise choice by the drama club to show their adaptation.
The theater was packed to the brim with family, friends, teachers, and students to show their support. The talented cast powered through two acts filled with songs both unique to the play version and the ones we all know from the film - like “Summer Nights,” “We Go Together,” and “Greased Lightin'.”
There were a few changes other than the songs themselves; the most noticeable was the addition of characters like Johnny Casino, and a Pink Lady named Jan (who was played by Rachel Keller, the scene stealer of the night). Mitch Paxton, a senior at VHS who played Johnny Casino, has been in the drama club for all four years of high school but he said that Grease, “has been my high school career high. We do other variety shows instead of plays as well but this one was more fun to be in than all of the rest combined.”
It was fun, funny, entertaining, heart-warming, and all that a high school play should be. Michele Craig, the director of the night, agreed by saying, “The show is designed to make you smile, laugh, and relieve some high school days - and in that capacity, it succeeds brilliantly!”
After the cast gave their final bows and the curtains closed, the lights came on once again and it was a mad dash out to the lobby. From there everyone who came out congratulated the cast, with spoken congratulations, hugs, and even bouquets of flowers. Those were greatly deserved because as a former student of VHS myself, it was one of the best plays performed in that auditorium.
So, that being said, if you hadn’t been able to catch Friday night’s show there will be others on Saturday at 7 p.m. and a Sunday matinee at 2 pm. Go support the Valparaiso Drama Club if you haven’t yet! It’s well worth it.
Click here to see more photos from the play!