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VHS Students Experience Government Operations

VHS-Student-Government-Day-2012Last Friday several Porter County officeholders participated in Valparaiso High School's Student Government Day. We had the pleasure of meeting these outstanding students and showing them our office operations.

Thank you to (back row, from left) Bob Wichlinski, Porter County Auditor; Jon Miller, Porter County Recorder; Mike Bucko, Porter County Treasurer; and Jon Snyder, Porter County Assessor.

And a big "Thank You" to our participating student officeholders: from left, Student County Auditor Jo Paul with Auditor Bob Wichlinski; Recorder Jon Miller with Student Recorder Liz Baggett; Treasurer Mike Bucko with Student Treasurer Erin Evers; and Assessor Jon Jon M Snyder with Student Assessor Bri Lisak.

All of these acting officeholders did a fantastic job that day!