Congressman Pete Visclosky announced today that the National Park Service Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) has awarded a $200,000.00 grant to the Lake County Park Board for Deep River Park.
The Lake County Park Board will use this funding to support their efforts to acquire 97 acres of land along Deep River and adjacent to Deep River County Park. The grant will also support the development of a 1.25 mile trail around the Big Maple Lakes and the construction of recreational amenities, such as picnic shelters, restrooms, and parking lots.
The LWCF program provides matching grants for local and state park projects outside of national park boundaries. Since 1965, the National Park Service has provided more than 40,000 LWCF grants to states and local communities.
“Every nature park and scenic trail in Northwest Indiana provides immeasurable benefits to residents while attracting new people and economic activity to the area. I am happy that the Lake County Park Board was able to successfully obtain federal funding to support the acquisition of new park land and enhance our bike trail system,” said Congressman Visclosky. “The LWCF program is a critical conservation resource. I have submitted programmatic requests in support of this program to the House Appropriations Committee for Fiscal Year 2016 and in years past, and I will continue to do my utmost to ensure that this program is appropriately funded and reauthorized. We must do more to preserve the wonderful natural resources of Northwest Indiana for future generations.”
For additional information on the LWCF program click here.