Washington, DC: Congressman Pete Visclosky announced today a Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) award made to Valparaiso University for a research program in the field of astronomy under the direction of Dr. Bruce Hrivnak.
The award, granted by the National Science Foundation and totaling more than $200,000, supports Hrivnak’s project, entitled, “RUI: Variability – A Key Probe of the Properties and Evolution of Post-AGB Stars and Proto-Planetary Nebulae.”
“I’m thankful for the opportunity to carry out this astronomy research and be involved in training and mentoring students as the next generation of scientists,” Hrivnak said upon hearing of the award. “I appreciate the support that the federal government gives to science research.”
This award is Valparaiso’s second RUI award from the National Science Foundation announced this summer. In June, Visclosky announced a different NSF research grant for a plant genetics project under the direction of Valparaiso University’s Dr. Robert Swanson.
The award will be effective September 1, 2010. Additional information will soon be available at http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/ and http://www.Research.gov.