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Volunteers Donate $95,000 to Boost Hospital Services

Franciscan-Volunteers-95000-1Members of the Franciscan St. Anthony Health - Michigan City Guild of Volunteers presented the hospital with a $95,000 donation during a luncheon-presentation April 10 at Pottawattomie Country Club.

The 165 volunteers conduct various fund-raising events and programs throughout the year, such as running the hospital Gift Shoppe, and have been making the annual donation for more than 15 years. Last year, they contributed 25,514 service hours to the hospital.

Trish Weber, hospital vice president of operations and chief nursing officer, who filled in at the event for Dr. James Callaghan, hospital president, said the funds are used to purchase equipment to help improve patient safety and patient outcomes. Proceeds from the latest donation will be used to enhance the hospital’s Lovelights program, which, for 14 years, has been done in December for family members to honor deceased adults and children during the Christmas season. Funds also will be used to purchase infant car seats that in turn are provided by the obstetrics unit; and for VeinViewer Vision Imaging Systems.

Franciscan-Volunteers-95000-2The money also will benefit the hospital’s affiliation with the Indiana Center for Nursing. The center, according to its fact sheet, presents a unified voice for nursing in the state and among its activities, collaborates with other related organizations to help influence state and national policies related to the health care workforce. It also supplies information and support nursing education, by providing scholarships and other support, and serves as a clearinghouse for the latest trends and issues related to health care in the state.


  • Trish Weber, second from left, Franciscan St. Anthony Health vice president of operations and chief nursing office, accepts a $95,000 donation from members of the hospital’s Guild of Volunteers. They are, from left, Angie Kmiecik, Margene Bohlim, treasurer-Gift Shoppe; Donald Klein, guild vice president; and Kathleen Nicholson, corresponding secretary.Not shown are Caryn Glossinger, president; Sheila Ito, treasurer-guild-lifeline; and Joseph Emerson, secretary
  • Margaret Dobeski is shown after being honored at a recent program for donating 9,750 volunteer service hours, the most of any member, to the Franciscan St. Anthony Health Guild of Volunteers.