The 2013 “We Run This Town” race series is a series of 4 running/walking events in Portage, Indiana presented by Cause 2 Compete, Race distances vary from kids’ 1k fun runs to a half marathon. Each race will start in a Portage Park and highlight different parts of the city emphasizing fun, fitness, and environmental responsibility as a benefit for the Portage Park Foundation.
The Races
March 30, 2013, Most Eggcellent 5k, Countryside Park, 9:00am
May 12, 2013, Mother’s Day 5k, Imagination Glen, 8:00am
June 8, 2013, Sunset Tiki Torch 5k, Portage Marina, 6:30pm
August 25, 2013, I Scream for 13.1 & 5k, Countryside Park, 6:30am
Every race has a different, fun theme with details that are specific to that event. Also, every event will host a Kids’ 1k Fun Run. Check the website for complete information on each race.
About Cause 2 Compete
Cause 2 Compete is an athletics lifestyle events company that strives to be a positive force in our communities through events, clubs, and personal interactions. With the partnerships in our communities, we deliver quality athletic activities while also contributing time, money, effort, and awareness to both social and environmental causes that improve our communities and community relationships. It is our ultimate goal to be the change we want to see in our events and our partnerships, “We care about your Cause 2 Compete.”
To learn about the We Run This Town Race Series or any of the individual events, please contact Tom Taylor, President of Cause 2 Compete
Portage, IN
Cell: 219-395-4503