Written by Jane Scupham, principal
…something to share with those in need. Ephesians 4:28
On Tuesday, we celebrated the feast day of Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of children, sailors, scholars, brides, and the hungry. Excited children scurried about in the hallways putting out their shoes along the walls and hurrying, sock-footed or in slippers, back into their classrooms to await Saint Nicholas’ visit. The saint did come wearing his traditional bishop’s robes and miter and carrying the crozier, his shepherd’s staff. He visited every classroom, including half day kindergarten and pre-3 classes at Tiny Tim’s, where he did a wonderful job regaling the children with some of the stories of his life.
It is no wonder that Saint Nicholas is one of the favorite saints throughout the ages. His stories of bravery, love of others, and charity to all still resonate today. Saint Nicholas led a faithfilled life which enabled him to serve well his people within his bishopric. He is remembered for fighting for the Catholic faith, for his willingness to work for justice, and most often, for his charity to the poor and hungry. Even in today’s world, his life shines as an example for all to live according to God’s will. Saint Nicholas’ acts of charity are ones that we can emulate. Granted, we probably won’t be throwing gold coins through the windows of girls in need of dowries, but we can share our abundance with others by giving to food pantries, donating clothing for the poor, and making monetary donations to charities that help those in need, or just by sharing our time with someone who is in need of a listening ear, or offering a warm smile and a kind word to a stranger.
As we prepare for the coming of Jesus into our hearts at Christmas, may we embrace the example of Saint Nicholas and light the way for others to behold the Christ Child. I wish you and your family a blessed Advent season!