What is 2-1-1?
2-1-1 is a three-digit phone number anyone can call to get information about health and human services. Call 2-1-1 if you need information on housing, employment, legal aid, counseling and much more…
Why 2-1-1?
- 2-1-1 is easy to use.
- Disaster relief is more effective, reducing non-emergency calls to 911. 2-1-1 connects victims, donors and volunteers with service providers.
- 2-1-1 is good for business, helping employees with family situations.
- Better use of volunteers, local and faith-based services.
- Track service gaps, duplication and trends.
How does 2-1-1 work?
For the caller, it’s as simple as picking up the phone and dialing 2-1-1. Trained and caring Information & Referral Specialists answer the 2-1-1 calls; talk about the caller’s needs, and offer referrals to human service programs. Because of the changes in telephone services, it may take some time to ensure complete coverage from all types of telephones.
How is 2-1-1 currently funded?
IN211 and its Centers are primarily supported by private dollars from United Ways, community founda-tions, grants and individual donors. As a public-private partnership, IN211 needs to leverage the philanthropic funding with governmental funding. There are efforts at the state and federal levels to create sustainable public funding. 2-1-1 system implementation requires at least $1 to $1.50 per person annually for the area served. This means $6.3 million and $9.6 million in annual support in Indiana.
How can I help fund 2-1-1?
Donating to the United Way of Porter County’s community fund ensures that the financial need requests from United Way of Porter County’s agencies programs and partnerships such as 2-1-1 are met. By donating as little as a dollar a week you can help programs like 2-1-1. Check out more information at www.in211.org