Home»Other»Westchester Public Library Briefs, October 1, 2014

Westchester Public Library Briefs, October 1, 2014

westchester-photo-montageBook Sale Volunteers Needed
Do you love working with books? The Friends of Westchester Public Library need your help to sort books and set up their Fall Book Sale on Saturday, October 11, from 9 am until noon.

Although many books are already sorted and boxed for the sale, the Friends still have hundreds of volumes to categorize and many boxes of books to move and to arrange on the sale tables. Books are typically sorted by type of binding, condition and subject.

Volunteers are asked to come to the second floor of Thomas Library, 200 West Indiana Ave., Chesterton to help. You do not need to be a member of the Friends.

Volunteers are also needed throughout the week of October 13, to help sort last minute donations, and also during the hours of the sale.

The sale will begin with the Friends Only Preview Sale from 4 pm to 8 pm on Friday, October 17. The Public Sale will be held from 9 am to 4 pm on Saturday and Sunday, October 18 and 19.

Donations for the sale may be brought to the collection box in the lobby of Thomas Library. Donations are collected year round and donated items are reviewed for possible addition to the library’s collection before being placed in the sale.

The Friends of Westchester Public Library wish to thank all of the people who make their sales successful by volunteering or by attending the sales and purchasing materials. Proceeds from the sale support many supplemental and special programming events.

Mad About Mysteries Anniversary Celebration
Join the Mad About Mysteries fifth anniversary celebration on Wednesday, October 8, at 3 pm. Mad About Mysteries is a book discussion program that covers the mystery genre and takes place twice monthly at the museum. The celebration will be held at the Westchester Township History Museum, 700 W. Porter Avenue, Chesterton.

In October, 2009, the museum hosted the first Mad About Mysteries program, which featured an introduction to the mystery genre by Joan Costello, museum registrar and mystery buff.

Join the anniversary celebration and enjoy cake, punch, and a brief recap of Costello’s original presentation.

The Westchester Township History Museum is a free cultural and educational service of Westchester Public Library. The museum is open to the public Wednesday-Sunday from 1-5 p.m. or by appointment. Groups may make reservations for tours by calling the museum at 983-9715.

History Discussion Group at the Museum
History buffs and those who are simply interested in learning more about history are invited to Westchester Public Library’s History Discussion Group on Saturday, October 11, from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. The group will meet in the parlor at the Westchester Township History Museum, 700 W. Porter Avenue, Chesterton. Registration is not necessary.

Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt will be the topic of discussion this month. As the 26th President of the United States, Roosevelt was well known for his energetic personality, his cowboy image, and his strong opinions. He was a politician, writer, historian, explorer, and naturalist. From his time as New York State Assemblyman to the rift with his former Vice President, explore the life and legacy of this fascinating man.

The group is open to anyone interested in history and conversations about history. Feel free to participate or sit back and listen.

For more information, please call or Leea at (219) 926-7696 or Serena at (219) 983-9715.

Sunday Matinee at LSC to screen Edge of Tomorrow
Sunday Matinee will take place at the Library Service Center, 100 W. Indiana Avenue, Chesterton, at 1:30 pm on Sunday, October 12, with a showing of Edge of Tomorrow. Westchester Public Library films are free of charge and open to the public.

The epic action of Edge of Tomorrow unfolds in a near future in which an alien race has hit the earth in an unrelenting assault, unbeatable by any military unit in the world. Major William Cage (Tom Cruise) is an officer who has never seen a day of combat when he is dropped into what amounts to a suicide mission.

Killed within minutes, Cage becomes able to engage the adversaries with increasing skill, alongside Special Forces warrior Rita Vrataski (Emily Blunt). As Cage and Rita take the fight to the aliens, each repeated encounter gets them one step closer to defeating the enemy.

Edge of Tomorrow is rated PG-13 and has a running time of 113 minutes.

For more information, call the Audio-Visual Department at 926-7696.

Tech Help Desk at Thomas Library Expands Hours
Westchester Public Library has expanded the hours for the Tech Help Desk. The Tech Help Desk is free one-on-one technology help on a first come first serve in a one-on-one setting. No registration is necessary. The Tech Help Desk is open on Mondays from 5-6 p.m., Wednesdays from 5-6 p.m., and Fridays from 10-11 a.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. in the Serials/Automation Department at Thomas Library, 200 W. Indiana Avenue, Chesterton.

Staff will do their best to address computer problems as well as specific topics of your choice, such as cell phones, eReaders, tablets, email, Internet, or other technology assistance you require. If the problem is severe enough, staff may recommend that you see a computer professional to solve the problem. Bring in laptops or electronic devices that are portable, but please do not bring desktop computers to the Tech Help Desk.

For more information, call the Serials/Automation Department at 926-7696, extension 1125.

Night Movie at Library Service Center: ScoobyDoo: Frankencreepy
Spooky Friday nights are happening in October at Westchester Public Library. The first Creeps and Treats night will be on Friday, October 3, at 6:30 pm. Families are invited to view ScoobyDoo: Frankencreepy at the Library Service Center, 100 W. Indiana Avenue, Chesterton. No registration is necessary. Library films are free of charge and open to the public.

ScoobyDoo: Frankencreepy has enough spooky fun to make the whole family come alive! Velma discovers she has inherited her great-great-uncle’s cursed castle in Transylvania, Pennsylvania. She reveals to the gang that her last name is really Von Dinkenstein and that her ancestor, Baron Von Dinkenstein, supposedly created a monster. That fame haunted her family, even though Velma didn’t believe it. Strange things begin to happen. Will the gang ever be the same?

ScoobyDoo: Frankencreepy is not rated and has a running time of 73 minutes. The movie will be available for checkout at Thomas Library, 200 W. Indiana Avenue, Chesterton, after the showing.

For more information contact the Children’s Department at Thomas Library, 926-7696.

Prairie Club Exhibit at Museum
The Westchester Township History Museum will open a new temporary exhibit, Indiana Dunes Prairie Club Excursions, on Saturday, October 4. The exhibit will run through November 2. The museum is housed in the Brown Mansion located at 700 W. Porter Avenue, Chesterton, and is open to the public Wednesday-Sunday from 1-5 pm.

Indiana Dunes Prairie Club Excursions is a collection of works created by 12 Ball State University students last spring. Professor Christopher Baas mentored the group through the research and project development. The students worked with the DNR, the Indiana Dunes State Park, and the Westchester Township History Museum’s Prairie Club Archives to create 11 film and animated shorts, artwork for each short, and two children’s books. These works highlight the experiences of the Prairie Club in the Indiana Dunes and the Club’s role in the creation of the Indiana Dunes State Park.

The project was sponsored by the Virginia Ball Center for Creative Inquiry, which promotes collaboration between students from different academic departments. This project included students from Landscape Architecture, Planning, Art, Biology, History, Music, and Telecommunications.

For more information, please call the museum at 983-9715.