Home»Other»Westchester Public Library Briefs, October 3, 2014

Westchester Public Library Briefs, October 3, 2014

westchester-photo-montageHistorically Speaking
Thursday, Oct. 2, 9 a.m. and 12 p.m.

Tune in to CHS’s radio station, 88.3 FM, to hear Historically Speaking. Museum Curator, Serena Sutliff, will discuss This Month in History and the October 9, 1966 groundbreaking for the Port of Indiana. Serena’s guest this month will be Kevin Pazour, Director of the Porter County Museum.

Chesterton Cemetery Tour
Sun., Oct. 5, 2—4 p.m. (rain day Oct. 12, 2-4 p.m.)

Attendees will be led on a guided tour of the cemetery and will learn about 8 different families and individuals from this area. The tour will take about 40 minutes and will require walking over some uneven ground. Tours will begin every ten minutes from 2 p.m. with the last tour starting at 3:10 p.m. Parking will NOT be available at the cemetery. Attendees must park in front of or behind Hopkins’ Small Engine Repair at the northeast corner of Calumet Rd. and Porter Ave. Cemetery Tour volun- teers will shuttle people between the repair shop and the ceme- tery. People who choose to park in Morgan Park must walk to the cemetery. There is no charge for parking or entrance.

Knitting Together
Sunday, Oct. 5, 1-5 p.m.

Area knitters are invited to gather in the Brown Mansion parlor for a cozy afternoon of knitting, conversation, and refreshments. Those who crochet or do needlework are also welcome. Light refreshments will be served.

Poster Unveiling
Friday, Oct. 24, 5:30-7 p.m.

Mitch Markovitz will be at the Museum to unveil the new Brown Mansion South Shore poster. Meet the artist and the library board that contracted the poster. Posters will be available for sale (price to be an- nounced).

Tricks & Treats
Saturday, Oct. 25, 2-3 p.m.

Polly the Pirate has stolen all of the Brown Mansion’s pumpkins! Children ages 6-12 are asked to help us find our pumpkins in this treasure hunt at the museum. Afterward, par- ticipants may paint a pumpkin for their Hal- loween or fall decorations and will receive a bag of candy. Parents or guardians are asked to accompany their children. Costumes are encouraged but not required.

History Discussion Group: Theodore Roosevelt
Sat., Oct. 11, 11 a.m.

As the 26th President of the United States, “Teddy” Roosevelt was well known for his energetic personality, his cowboy image, and his strong opinions. He was a politician, writer, historian, explorer, and naturalist. From his time as NY State Assemblyman to the rift with his former Vice President, we will explore the life and legacy of this fascinating man.

Mad About Mysteries
Wednesday, October 8, 2 p.m.
Saturday, October 11, 2 p.m.

Join Mad About Mysteries regular Sue Helm as she discusses her Goodreads challenge: read 50 mysteries, one from each of the 50 states. Some states were easy, while others were much more difficult to find. California has such stalwarts as Erlene Fowler, Walter Mosley and Betty Hechtman. New York lays claim to Rex Stout, J.D. Robb, and even Richard Castle. But what about authors from Montana, or Rhode Island, or even Hawaii?

Mad About Mysteries 5th Anniversary Party
Wednesday, October 8, 3 p.m.

In October 2009, the museum hosted its first Mad About Mysteries program, which fea- tured an introduction to the mystery genre by Joan Costello. We will celebrate the pro- gram’s 5th anniversary with cake, punch, and a brief recap of Joan’s original program.

Bookmarks at the Museum
Thursday, October 16, 2 p.m.

Hilary Mantel introduced her award-winning Thomas Cromwell trilogy with Wolf Hall in 2009 followed by Bring up the Bodies in 2012. The trilogy fol- lows Cromwell’s life from his humble beginnings to his downfall after be- coming one of the most powerful men in the service of Henry VIII. Mantel’s books portray Cromwell as a practical and talented man living in an oppor- tunistic world. Reviewed by Dennis Norman.