If you’re looking for a deal, you shop around. Finding the right price is key to committing to your purchase. The research may take you some time, but in the end, you may find the deal of all deals. You never know unless you look.
We rarely stop to look for that “Holy Grail of Deal” once we get set in our ways. We don’t look for a cable provider as long as the channels keep changing and the price stays the same each month. It's something we don’t think about after a while.
A good New Year’s Resolution to have this year should be for all of us to get out of our usual routine to shop around and educate ourselves if we’re getting the right price.
“People stay with the same company for years and never check to see what the market is like,” said Kelley Schott of AMA Design & Print in Valparaiso. “Technology is changing the way a lot of companies operate. And over the years the market can change for multiple reasons and the price of what you’re paying can drop dramatically.”
For some it's not complacency that keeps customers from price checking, it's the queasy feeling of going behind a company where they have been long standing customers. This feeling of unease can hurt the company you’re loyal to by not allowing them to deliver competitive prices.
“It really is all about staying current with the market. If you say ‘so and so is charging this and you’re charging that’ you’re letting that business know that there are changes in the market. And often enough they’ll change according to meet the competition,” said Schott.
It all starts by phoning and asking for a rate. Write down that rate and move on to the next competitor. It's simple and you could end up saving a lot by next Year’s Resolution.
“At AMA we stick by that first rate. When we tell you a rate, it's what we stick to. And that rate includes the total cost. No extra fees added on in the end. What we say is what we charge.” said Schott.
For more information and to check on quotes for your next printing or design project, click here.