Written by Jane Scupham, principal
Who would come to school at lunchtime rain, shine, or blowing snow and smile and laugh with students? Who would willingly drive carloads of squirming, giggling girls to go horseback riding? Who would spend their Thursday mornings stuffing paper after paper into brown envelopes? Who would don a hairnet and plastic apron and ladle out sliced peaches with as much care as if they were serving the Queen of England? Who would use some of their vacation days to go into the woods with a pack of fifth graders looking for frogs and flora? Who would come and sit in the library and put labels on every new book? Who would point at keyboards and identify letters for kindergartners when they could be having coffee with friends? Who would try to be at every event to take photos of the students? Who would come back from Florida eager to listen to little ones read aloud? Who would spend weeks planning parties and treats for classroom parties? Who would go and pick up bagels, brew coffee, and clean-up after Coffee and Conversation? Who are all these wonderful people?
Who? YOU!
So during this National Volunteer Week, the faculty and staff of Saint Paul Catholic School send a hearty THANK YOU to the world’s best team of volunteers. We couldn’t do it without you!