Home»Community»Serving»World Water Day Blessing set for Sunday, March 22, 2015

World Water Day Blessing set for Sunday, March 22, 2015

2015-MCWWD-flyerIn 1993 the United Nations General Assembly declared March 22 as World Water Day, also known as World Day for Water. It is a means to focus our attention on the importance of freshwater. Each year has a different theme: 2015’s theme is “water and Sustainable Development” meant to bring awareness to water’s vital role in sustainable development. Many Non-government Organizations use the day to bring public attention to vital water issues that the world is currently experiencing, such as the fact that many do not have access to drinkable water.

Lisa has been trained by world renowned Indigenous Elders and Leaders to do Water Blessings, and has been doing this for many years. It has been scientifically proven that water is a living thing, and as such, Indigenous Peoples believe the water can hear our intentions to heal and preserve our waters for our future generations.

This water blessing is a simple yet profound ceremony as participants connect their heart energy with the waters.

Participants will be invited to bless the water as each person: 1) Pray for the water in apology of polluting and disrespecting the waters. 2) Offer prayers of love, gratitude and respect. 3) Holding your hands toward the water, your heart energy will be projected into the water and the vibrations of your intentions will spread to the waters all over Mother Earth. 4) When your prayer is done you pour a little of the drinking water on your hand and with a loving thought, sprinkle the water away from you as you spread the seeds of love and then take a drink of water with a feeling of gratitude.

Lisa is seeking people who would be interested in helping celebrate the day with saying a prayer, opening or closing the space, leading us in song or dance as we celebrate life which is given to us by the waters.

This is a free event, on the beach at Washington Park & Beach, Michigan City. Please dress for the weather, bring a chair or blanket to sit on if you wish. Participants may bring a vessel of water that they have set their intentions with to be added to the World Water Vessel if they would like. Dogs are not allowed at the park, no alcohol permitted, please observe Shelf Ice Warnings at all times. Participants are encouraged to bring a musical instrument (drum, flutes, rattles, etc.) if they wish, after the blessing we will follow with a drum circle as time allows.