Thursday night, hundreds of La Porte County locals came out to the YMCA’s annual trunk-or-treat. When this event started, it was primarily just members decorating their cars and there were no more than 18 trunks at that time. This year they had an estimated 30 trunks for children to get candy from. There were local businesses such as: Michigan City Zoo, Helping Hands, the health department, local fire and police departments, and many more who all came out to celebrate Halloween. Along with the candy, the YMCA had a DJ come out and play music in their gym as a way to end the night for the trick-or-treaters.
Youth and Family Coordinator Sage Santana joined the YMCA family in August and this was her first event. Santana wanted her first event to be special, but ultimately safe and inclusive.
“What it comes down to is that we're trying to make sure that this is fun, safe, and accessible for our community,” Santana said. “There are a lot of kids in our community, and there's not a lot of access to things that are like this. We make it easier on families by being a safe and easy option for them.”
The YMCA trunk-or-treat really wanted to bring the community together this year. They had 18 cars, particularly from local businesses, members, and neighborhood members who were able to put it together. All of the candy for tonight was donated by local businesses, partners and members.
“I think part of my intention with adding so many local businesses has been to try and make more of a community event where they also have the opportunity to share whatever is going on in their organization as it's relevant to the community,” said Santana.
Local Vanessa Alvarado attended this event for the first time and was so impressed that she plans to come for as many years as she can.
“This helps get my daughter get involved in things and it helps her get out of the house. She also makes new friends and she enjoys it,” Alvarado said. “I wasn't sure what to expect coming into this, but I can see myself coming back and bringing her. She enjoyed herself and when she’s happy, I’m happy.”
Senior Program Director Kathy Workman started this event and is already excited for next year as she has seen how big it has grown over the past few years and expects that growth to continue. Workman wants the YMCA to be one with the community and knock down those barriers.
“This event for us is to show people that we're here for them,” Workman said. “We really want to just connect with our community by offering a free event, and it takes down any type of barrier that we might have.”
Halloween is what October is known for and La Porte YMCA’s Trunk-or-Treat was the perfect way to kick off Halloweekend. It was a family-friendly event, open to people of all ages, across the community. If you didn’t attend this year’s Trunk-or-Treat, you should come out next year for a night filled with candy and fun. They would love to see you.
To learn more about the Michigan City YMCA you can visit: