Trotting on Turkey Day Down Turkey Lane The alarm sounds. The light is turned on. Grunts can be heard as one hobbles to the bathroom. Cereal is eaten too early in the morning. The car door unlocks as runners pile in and make their way to Valparaiso...
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#1StudentNWI: Washington Township Update
#1StudentNWI: Washington Township Spreads the Spirit of Halloween
What’s Recently Happened?Spooktacular Festivities Dinosaurs, princesses, and superheroes filed excitedly into the Washington Township Elementary Dold Gym this past weekend to celebrate the season of Halloween. Spook Night is a day students of all...
Read More#1StudentNWI: Washington Township Sports Shine
The Finish Line Awaits Adrenaline is pumping, heart is thumping; three, two, one - POP! Over 4,000 runners trampled the ground beneath their feet as cross country students near and far participated in the 37th Annual Culver Academies Cross Country...
Read More#1StudentNWI: Washington Township Helps Out Around Valpo
Keep Calm and Pedal On: Valparaiso Night Bike Ride Ready? Set. Pedal! This past Saturday, August 25th, the Valparaiso Parks Department held their 8th annual Valpo Night Ride. The Valparaiso Parks Department had an overwhelming amount of help from...
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