For the 21st time, Thomas Jefferson Middle School Science Olympiad has won the State Champion title! This is also the team's 24th straight trip to Nationals. The team won the title at IU in Bloomington on March 16 against 30 middle school teams that...
Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Thomas Jefferson Science Olympiad Team Wins Regional 2013 Title!
At the IU Northwest Regional Science Olympiad held on Saturday, February 23, Thomas Jefferson came in 1st out of 12 teams, including a very good Chesterton team. TJ won 16 firsts, 6 seconds, 1 third, and 2 fourth places. The top four teams advance to...
TJ 6th Grade Takes a Look at Medieval Times through Feudal Day
Feudal Day is a culmination of month long interdisciplinary study of the Middle Ages. The day showcases special presentations from a falconer, Sir Mark, and a few of his birds, along with a local knight, Sir Jon, with various pieces of his armor and...
Sixth Straight State Championship Awarded to TJ Spell Bowl
The Thomas Jefferson Middle School Spell Bowl team captured its sixth straight Class 2 Spell Bowl State Championship on Saturday, Nov. 10, at Purdue University. The TJ spellers did not miss any words during the eight rounds of competition, and their...
Jane Strayer Named Indiana Academic Coach of the Year
Jane Strayer, a sixth and seventh grade Language Arts teacher at Thomas Jefferson Middle School, was recently named Indiana Academic Coach of the Year – Middle Level Division, by the Indiana Association of School Principals. Strayer was honored at...
TJ Students Spell Their Way to a Blue Ribbon
Congratulations to the TJMS Spell Bowl team for its blue ribbon performance at last evening’s Willowcreek Invitational Spell Bowl meet. The team only missed 5 out of 72 words on its way to the win: bulbous, glycerin, boutonniere, omnifarious, and...
TJMS 7th and 8th Grade German Students Build Their Own Village
Students in Kandel Baxter's 7th and 8th Grade German class may not have a chance to travel to Germany, so they did the next best thing. . .they built Germany in their classroom! Combining culture, communication, and comparisons, each student...
TJ Students Succeed in Super Bowl Competition
Two Academic Super Bowl teams from Thomas Jefferson Middle School achieved State Championship status at last Saturday's Area Meet at LaPorte High School. The Interdisciplinary team and the English team each bested all other teams in the state to earn...
TJMS Science Olympiad Brings Home Another State Title
The TJMS Science Olympiad team won their 20th State Title at the competition held at Indiana University. Congrats to the kids for all of their hard work! The team next heads to Orlando, Florida, for the nationals competition.
TJMS Students Participate in No Name Calling Week
Thomas Jefferson Middle School students recently participated in the National No Name Calling Week, January 23 through the 27th. There was 100% participation in the week, including special groups like the office staff, instructional aides, media...