Home»Events»January Events»An Introduction to Valpo’s New Creative Portal

An Introduction to Valpo’s New Creative Portal

Event Information

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The Valparaiso Creative Council is pleased to invite you to an informational orientation session of a new website, the Creative Portal, where Valpo and and our neighboring communities will share arts opportunities with the public.Although the website is extremely user-friendly, we are eager to share with you the benefits to your organization as well as outline parameters for using the Creative Portal. We want you to be part of it! Three informational sessions are scheduled, and we hope you can join us for one of them. 

RSVP | July 30 from 10-11am at Valparaiso University

in the Christopher Center Library in room 261B, 1410 Chapel Drive

RSVP | July 30 from 6:30-7:30pm at Porter Country Community Foundation

1401 Calumet Avenue, Valparaiso

RSVP | August 6 from 9:30-10:30am at Valparaiso Pubic Library

Meeting Room A, 103 Jefferson Street 

Please RSVP at the links above. We request that the person who handles your PR/Marketing attend the session as well. 

We look forward to seeing you! -- The VCC Board of Directors

Learn more about the Valparaiso Creative Council and get a sneak-peek at the new portal at valpocreates.org

Valparaiso Public Library


  • 103 Jefferson St
  • Valparaiso, IN 46383