Event Information
In an era when e-learning is the new norm, the Gary Community School Corporation is working to provide resources and information to assist parents with technology. The District has teamed up the West Side Leadership Academy PTSA to host a series of virtual workshops where GCSC school parents can ask questions and learn more about the operation of the Chromebooks and hotspots that children grades K-12 received as an enrolled student.
"We recognize that there are varying skill levels among our parents when it comes to technology," said Darrell Riddell, IT Director for the Gary schools. "The IT Department plays a critical role in helping close the digital divide." The first course takes place Friday, August 21 at 5:30 p.m. and is open to all parents and guardians of the District. The access information is as follows:
- Call: 602-580-9678
- Access Code: 337725
- Or use the link to join virtually https://join.freeconferencecall.com/wslaptsa
- Please send an email to WSLAPTSA@yahoo.com to reserve your spot.