Home»Events»January Events»Porter Regional Hospital fast-track childbirth education

Porter Regional Hospital fast-track childbirth education

Event Information

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Class sizes are limited to ensure proper social distancing and masks are required. Pre-registration is required.

Fast-Track Childbirth Education
Spend one full Saturday in this expedited version of the Childbirth Education class to learn all aspects of pregnancy and birth. The class will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. October 3, in the Community Room at Porter Regional Hospital, 85 East US Highway 6 in Valparaiso.  Pre-registration is required. To register, visit https://www.porterhealth.com/classes-events

Breastfeeding Support Clinic

For private, individual breastfeeding consultations or for more information please call 219-983-8543.

For more information about classes offered through Porter Regional Hospital, visit porterhealth.com.