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Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Breakfast Celebration

Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Breakfast Celebration

Event Information

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The VNA of NWI invites Vietnam veterans to its inaugural event!

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Breakfast Pick Up from 9am-10am at:
VNA of NWI Administration Building,
501 Marquette St., Valparaiso, IN 46383

Virtual Zoom Service: 11am-12pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 965 1139 7909
Zoom Passcode: 694843

The free program is an opportunity for Vietnam Veterans to come together to enjoy breakfast and a heartfelt program to celebrate the service of Vietnam Veterans. This year while we cannot be sitting next to each other for breakfast, breakfast can be picked up before the virtual service from 9am-10am at the VNA Administration Building.


Jim Chancellor, U.S. Army Vietnam War Veteran, Purple Heart Recipient, Indiana Military Veterans Hall of Fame Mr. Chancellor served in Vietnam from 1969-1970 as an aviation mechanic and helicopter gunner with the 119th Assault Helicopter Company. Mr. Chancellor has been a veterans’ advocate since 1970 and started the American Veterans Collection.

Please call 219-531-8051 or email
Kerianne at ksymons@vnanwi.org to reserve your breakfast today.
Please reserve by Friday, March 19, 2021