GIRLS BASKETBALL Hammond Morton vs. Crown Point 2024

FINAL SCORE: 67-49 Crown Point
Tonight was Breast Cancer night at Crown Point High School. The JV and Varsity Lady Bulldogs donned special pink jerseys, the coaches donned pink attire. The school had a special ceremony before the varsity game start honoring and supporting those who are currently fighting Breast Cancer, survived or have passed on. The coaches and players held special boards with an individual’s name on it to honor them.
“This is something that our kids look forward to every single year. Every year that I’ve been a head coach, we have had a “Coaches Vs. Cancer” game. We try and get our kids to understand that this game can fuel a lot of other things, and that it’s bigger than them. Any time we can give back to the community, give back to these amazing people and unfortunately, cancer touches just about every one of our lives at one point or another. So whether it’s raising money, raising awareness, being able to give a standing ovation to some of our cancer survivors that are here tonight. Anything we can do as a program to truly honor these heroes is something we want to do.” Chris Seibert- Head Crown Point Women’s basketball coach.
“I think we were playing really good. It’s like a team right now, showing the ball really well, and it’s moving the ball getting it to everyone we need to.” Sophie Hart-Crown Point ” I definitely wanted to win, like I came into the game with the drive to show everyone who Crown Point is and get a nice win.” -Ivy Henderson -Crown Point.