
Burns Harbor Park Department Hosts another Successful Footloose Event in 2016

By: Burns Harbor Redevelopment Commission Last Updated: June 30, 2016

Burns-Harbor-Park-Department-Hosts-another-Successful-Footloose-Event-in-2016_01Nearly 400 attendees enjoyed the races, food, entertainment and other 1980s-themed fun of the third annual Footloose.

The family-friendly event drew in local community members as well as visitors from throughout Chicagoland and the Midwest including Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin this past Saturday, June 25 at Lakeland Park. Hosted by the Burns Harbor Park Department as an annual fundraiser, all proceeds support the town’s five recreational locations, public amenities and all-inclusive programs and events — the majority of which are offered at no cost thanks to fundraising efforts like Footloose.

Event director Marcus Rogala said, “Footloose continues to attract large crowds looking for cost-effective and small-town fun of Burns Harbor, but with a unique 80s twist. The Park Department is incredibly thankful to all those who helped make this year’s event special.”

The 5K run/walk featured 221 participants displaying tutus, spandex, neon colors and other totally righteous ensembles. Medals with Pac-Man tokens were handed out to each finisher, including the overall male winner, Bryon Berg, 17, of Michigan City, and female winner, Katie Tice, 40, of Springfield, Illinois. Prior to the 5K, 54 children raced around beautiful Harbor Lake during the 1K kids fun run. Finishers received a satchel with earbuds for their participation.

Burns-Harbor-Park-Department-Hosts-another-Successful-Footloose-Event-in-2016_02Event-goers were treated to hot temperatures under sunny skies with decade tunes by Breakaway DJ. Northwest Indiana’s Nawty band rocked the family party tent, sponsored by Running Vines Winery and Leroy’s Hot Stuff. All-day activities for all ages included a Bounce ‘N’ Around bounce house, photo booth complete with 80s costumes, refreshments provided by the Burns Harbor Fire Department and area vendors as well as a spectacular fireworks display from Phantom Fireworks to round out the evening.

Financial support was provided by LiveWorkLearnPlay, Allegius Credit Union, Kenwal Steel, Wagner’s Ribs, Global Engineering & Land Surveying, Osan & Patton Attorneys at Law, Allstate Insurance Prendergast, Precision Towing, Worthington Industries, Dean’s Tire Pros, Bosak Auto Group and Lakeshore Ford. Footloose organizers are also grateful for the generous grant support from Indiana Dunes Tourism. In addition, gratitude is extended to the 40 volunteers and staff for their assistance, Burns Harbor Street Department for road closing coordination as well as the Burns Harbor Police and Fire departments for providing security for the event.

Photos from the event, provided by Happy Hoosier Photography, are available at Those interested are encouraged to save the date for next year’s Footloose event scheduled for June 24, 2017 at Lakeland Park. Interested sponsors, vendors or volunteers for next year’s Footloose or other Park Department events may call 219-787-8126.

In addition, the Burns Harbor Park Department will host the Pumpkin Fest and 5K Dash Saturday, Oct. 22 at Lakeland Park. For more information, Like the Burns Harbor Park Department Facebook page or Follow @BurnsHarborIN on Twitter.