
Strack & Van Til receives Disabled American Veterans Award for fundraising efforts

Amber Tomlinson
By: Amber Tomlinson Last Updated: September 30, 2021

Looking around the Strack & Van Til headquarters lobby, visitors know that the company is doing great things in many communities. 

Several plaques and awards are on display as a quiet reminder that Strack & Van Til cares for the community in significant ways. The public is often unaware of the donations made by the company and employees, but the lives that are impacted are a true testament. 

Strack & Van Til was recognized on Tuesday, Sept. 28, for its unwavering support to the Disabled American Veterans (DAV). The DAV presented an award to Strack & Van Til for the company’s efforts towards helping the DAV fundraise. Jeff Strack, president of Strack & Van Til, accepted the award from Bob Carnagey, DAV first vice commander and treasurer and DAV commander Hammond chapter 17. Carnagey presented the award on behalf of the State of Indiana. 

Disabled American Veterans Award Presentation to Strack & Van Til 2021

Disabled American Veterans Award Presentation to Strack & Van Til 2021 9 Photos
Disabled American Veterans Award Presentation to Strack & Van Til 2021Disabled American Veterans Award Presentation to Strack & Van Til 2021Disabled American Veterans Award Presentation to Strack & Van Til 2021Disabled American Veterans Award Presentation to Strack & Van Til 2021

“You are making a difference in someone’s life one person at a time. With doing things like you do, you show it’s not about the money. It’s about getting the word out about your organization and what you do for the community. Sometimes that’s worth more than a check,” Strack said.

Strack thanked the veterans for all that they did. 

Strack & Van Til has worked with DAV for more than 18 years in an organized manner but has supported individual veteran chapters for much longer. Over the last five years, Strack & Van Til Executive Assistant Fran King has worked closely with Carnagey to ensure the DAV can raise funds for the Forget Me Not Fund. The Forget Me Not Fund is utilized when veterans need help with bills or other situations.

Strack & Van Til Chief Operating Officer Dave Wilkinson said the award is a humble moment of bringing about awareness for disabled veterans.

“DAV collects once or twice a year at all of our stores. It helps them help veterans. They are a special group of people,” Wilkinson said. “It is always nice to hear the stories from the veterans themselves about the help they received.”

Strack & Van Til store managers give veterans a chance to set up tables to talk with customers at the front of the stores. It may look like just a veteran at a table, but to that veteran, sitting at that table can provide so much hope for themselves and their families. That interaction helps raise funds, helps veterans receive their benefits, and brings about awareness.

One store manager who has worked with veterans for several years in several ways is Dave Peksenak. Peksenak, who is a veteran, was at the award presentation.

“If they ever call him for anything, he is right there,” King said. “He is always there to help. He is one of our champions.” 

Carnagey has spoken with several Strack & Van Til customers whose family members were veterans. He thanked Strack and Van Til, and the employees for allowing veterans to use the stores to raise funds. He noted the State award is a prestigious award that is not given often. 

“The key is the mentality of the people at Strack & Van Til who are willing to help veterans. We don’t have to ask. We just say these are the dates that we are available, and the rest happens,” Carnagey said. “When we have companies like this help us, we can help those who have fallen through the crack.”

Veterans who attended the presentation were Steve Bramer, Lou Covelli, Joe Sanchez, and John Cap. 

Bramer said seeing DAV at Strack & Van Til was a life-changing moment. 

“I learned about the organization while at the store. The DAV had a table set up, and they started talking to me about claims because I just lost my job at the time,” Bramer said. “Now, I help process claims for veterans who need help. It all started with that one interaction at the Strack & Van Til in Hammond.”

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