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Fighting Substance Abuse

Porter-CountyThere are many players in the fight against substance abuse. Over twenty Porter County organizations received funds from the Substance Abuse Council to provide programs from October, 2011 until September, 2012. Representatives from these organizations will be giving their year end reports at the monthly Council meeting.

Programs vary from the elementary school program “Too Good for Drugs,” to counseling services and drug testing at the courts. The public is welcome to come hear the results of this past year’s programs in the fight against substance abuse.

The Porter County Substance Abuse Council will meet at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, November 8 at the Valparaiso Library, 103 Jefferson Street. Each year Drug Free Communities funds are collected throughout the year and disbursed as grants to community organizations.

Dedicated to working for a drug-free Porter County, the Substance Abuse Council is a coalition of treatment facilities, education providers, members of the justice community and concerned citizens. A member of the Governor’s Commission for a Drug Free Indiana, the Council has been providing funding to community resources for over fifteen years.