Porter County Substance Abuse Council

Porter County Substance Abuse Council Grant Opportunities for Substance Use Disorder

Porter County Substance Abuse Council Grant Opportunities for Substance Use Disorder The Porter County Substance Abuse Council recently hosted a combined coalition meeting and grant writing workshop for community funding. Grant applications focusing on substance use disorder in the area of prevention; treatment and recovery and law...

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Porter County Substance Abuse Council Youth Committee Organize PCYF Festival

Porter County Substance Abuse Council Youth Committee Organize PCYF Festival The Substance Abuse Council’s Youth Committee is creating an event that will teach their peers the value of focusing on health and wellness; developing family and peer support units; and the significance of cultivating creativity through music and...

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Porter County Substance Abuse Council Makes Donation to Care Counseling Services for Relapse Prevention Program

Porter County Substance Abuse Council Makes Donation to Care Counseling Services for Relapse Prevention Program The Relapse Prevention program, a member of the Council, has received these funds to present information to clients that need to understand chemical dependency and develop coping skills for a drug free lifestyle. Care Counseling has been providing...

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Coalition Responds with Sticker Shock

Coalition Responds with Sticker Shock Monday foot traffic into Buz’s Valpo Liquors revealed that there was quite a bit of activity over the weekend inside the store. Stacks of cases of beer were covered with bright green stickers that had been placed on each box by Wheeler High School...

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Porter County Substance Abuse Council: My Kids Matter

Porter County Substance Abuse Council: My Kids Matter Parents and community members recently gathered to participate in the launch of the My Kids Matter program offered by the Porter County Substance Abuse Council. The maiden voyage proved that there was a lot of interest within the community and to...

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Porter County Prosecutor’s Office Receives Grant in 2016

Porter County Prosecutor’s Office Receives Grant in 2016 The Porter County Prosecutor’s Office is a recipient of a $22,740 grant from the Porter County Substance Abuse Council for drug and alcohol testing. The Prosecutor’s Office is a member of the coalition. The Prosecutor’s Office has received this...

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Portage Police Department Receives Grant in 2016

Portage Police Department Receives Grant in 2016 Portage Police Department is a recipient of a $3,500 grant from the Porter County Substance Abuse Council for Digital Cameras. Portage Police Department is a member of the coalition. The Portage Police Department has received this grant in an effort...

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Super Bowl 50: Are You Drinking or are You Driving?

Super Bowl 50: Are You Drinking or are You Driving? The Super Bowl is America’s most watched national sporting event. On Super Bowl 50, Sunday, February 7, there will be a lot of game day socializing that may include drinking. That’s why the US Department of Transportation’s National Highway...

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Family & Youth Services Bureau Receives Grants in 2016

Family & Youth Services Bureau Receives Grants in 2016 Family & Youth Services Bureau is a recipient of $9,900 in grant funds from the Porter County Substance Abuse Council for their Alcohol and Drug Defense Program and Strengthening Families Program. Family & Youth Services Bureau is a member of...

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DUI Officers Keeping Porter County Roads Safe in 2015

DUI Officers Keeping Porter County Roads Safe in 2015 The Porter County Drunk Driving Task Force recognized police officers at an awards ceremony yesterday. Each year the Drunk Driving Task Force says thanks to the men and women who work to keep the roads safe from drunken drivers. Between November 1,...

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