For me, often much of my day is spent thinking about the curriculum and standards that need to be taught, the assessment and growth of our students, how to better meet the needs of each student, how to improve school safety - you know, the nuts and bolts behind the scenes of running a school corporation. These past few weeks I've had a welcome disruption to my thinking - and this disruption has come through amazing interactions I've had with our students and staff at PTSC. They have been modeling that yes, school is about learning and growing - but not just academic standards. It's about learning who we should be as people and citizens of a community. Here are just a few examples of how I've seen this lived out lately:
Stuff the Bus - this event to collect donations for the Porter Township Food Pantry resulted in 5,886 pounds of food donated (PLE: 1347 pounds, BGE: 1393 pounds, BGMS: 796 pounds, First Student: 1307 pounds) and $10,696 in donations (the highest total they've ever had). Christine Wallace from First Student led the charge on this - and what an outstanding outcome! This will result in many people who are food insecure having a meal that they would not have otherwise had. Great job!
BGE Student Council - the BGE Student Council presented at our October board meeting. It was a great presentation about students who are passionate about the difference they want to make in their school and the lives of others. Part of the presentation involved detailing ideas they had for service projects and fun events - all of which were to be used to raise money to help others. These students were fired up about being able to financially help other people! Outstanding!
PLE - as I mentioned in a previous update, PLE has been honored for the way they embed service learning into the life of the building. These activities are completed as a school - and teaches our very youngest from the time they enter PTSC that life isn't just about getting more for ourselves - but about taking care of those around us. Thanks for teaching me, too!
BGHS - the Volleyball teams raised money with the help of several BGHS clubs and organizations for families at BGHS that are struggling with cancer. Even the t-shirts conveyed that we are a community that cares for each other - and that no one fights alone. I have to think that this is a sentiment that our students will carry with them beyond the walls of PTSC.
These are just the quick examples that were on the top of my head this morning. It's easy to read the newspaper and watch the news and lose sight of the great things that are happening around us. These amazing students are our future - and I am confident these kids can make a positive impact on the world!