Dr. Stacey Schmidt

Porter Township Schools Update: Quarter Four – Let’s Finish Strong

Porter Township Schools Update: Quarter Four – Let’s Finish Strong It's fourth quarter and we are in our final push of the year. We still have many things to learn, state testing, and the chance to knock this last quarter out of the park! We are a team, and as I'm sure you can remember from your days in school - it...

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Porter Township Schools Update: 2016 ISTEP+ Assessments

Porter Township Schools Update: 2016 ISTEP+ Assessments This week marks the beginning of ISTEP+ Assessments for this school year (and we just got our pass/fail results from last year in January). We have several windows of testing ahead: ISTEP+ Part 1 Applied Skills (grades 3-8, 10) from February 29-March...

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PTSC Weekly Update: National School Counseling Week 2016 Indiana Academic Standards

PTSC Weekly Update: National School Counseling Week 2016 Indiana Academic Standards National School Counseling Week, sponsored by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA), will be celebrated from Feb. 1–5, 2016, to focus public attention on the unique contribution of professional school counselors within U.S. school...

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Porter Township Schools Update: Your Child’s Social Media Usage

Porter Township Schools Update: Your Child’s Social Media Usage Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Vine, Yik Kak, Facebook--it's hard to keep up with all of the options available for social media usage. Over the winter break I spent some time with my nieces and nephews and heard (and saw) how they are using...

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