Home»Other»La Porte League of Women Voters Holds 2015 Meeting

La Porte League of Women Voters Holds 2015 Meeting

La-Porte-League-of-Women-Voters-Annual-Meeting-Collage-2015The League of Women Voters of LaPorte County held their annual meeting on Saturday, May 9th, at the Long Beach Country Club. A highlight of the meeting was a resolution to honor the league's former president, out-going vice president, Betty Lou Nault. Betty Lou has been a member of LWV for over 50 years. When she first moved to Michigan City from Fort Wayne in the 1980's, she helped to reinvigorate LWV LaPorte through her talent for leadership and inspiring work on air and water quality, land use, and voters services. In many ways, she is responsible for making this League the vibrant, visible, and active organization it is today.

During their annual meeting, League members also voted to adopt their annual program. This year's program includes working on sustaining and protecting water resources, election reform, and civics education in La Porte County schools.

Guest speaker Senator Karen Tallien spoke about her work at the statehouse in Indianapolis. As one of the less than 20% of women, and as an influential member of the minority party, she shared her techniques for cooperating and working together with both parties for the good of the state. Senator Tallian spoke to the issues of civic responsibility, the importance of citizens participating in government, and reciprocally, the importance of state government being receptive to the will of its people.