Calumet Revisited is a monthly forum on the Calumet Region’s past, present and future. This month’s meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 3rd at 5:00 p.m. The Underground Railroad in the Calumet Region will be the topic with discussion lead by Paul Petraitis.
Mr. Petraitis formed “C/CURE”, the Chicago/Calumet Underground Railroad Research Effort, in 2001. Its main purpose was to research the far south side’s role in the national Underground Railroad movement.
Central to the group’s activities was the researching of the Jan Ton Farmhouse, a stop on the Underground Railroad that once stood at 603 East 134th Place along the banks of the Little Calumet River. He will bring us all up to date on the current state of Underground Railroad research in the area.
All are welcome to join in the discussion in Room 265 at Calumet College of St. Joseph, 2400 New York Avenue, Whiting.
Calumet Revisited is jointly sponsored by the Association for the Wolf Lake Initiative and Calumet College of St. Joseph’s History Program. For more information, please contact Michael Boos, 219-933-7149 or