Calvary Link: Memorial Day

calvary-link-headerMake worship a priority this weekend. God has done so much for us--let's stop for an hour to remember and give thanks! There is so much to be thankful for. I have certainly been thankful for some warm weather lately--I hope you have enjoyed it as well. But there is so much more. Family, friends, food, fun, freedom--and of course our faith. This weekend is a time to remember--what others have done for us--how many have sacrificed to give us the freedoms we have. As C. S. Lewis once said, "We need to be reminded more often than we need to be instructed." So let us remember--and be thankful.

I can't wait to be with you on Sunday with another exposition from Mark 9. The disciples saw someone doing great things in the name of Jesus and told them to stop. Jesus surprises them (and perhaps you) by his response. I'm looking forward to blessing you. LIke Jesus, I'm sure to stir up a bit of controversy as well. Kurt and the team are getting ready to lead us in worship this weekend. Come and bring a friend. Then go have some fun.

For Your Joy,


What's new at Calvary...

Sevenglory Goes to Africa
Please join us in partnering with Sevenglory with prayer and financial support as they prepare to travel to Kenya in October! Sevenglory is excited for this opportunity to spread the Word through worship across the globe. CLICK HERE for more information or to donate.

Father's Day
Bring your blanket or chairs and join us on Sunday, 6.16 at 10:45a for a combined OUTDOOR service to CELEBRATE Dad's and Family! After Worship Service, stick around the park, have a picnic (food vendors will be on site), toss a frisbee, walk around our 'Cruise In' of cars displayed on Indiana Ave., and enjoy spending time with your FAMILY and FRIENDS! CLICK HERE for more information.

Student Ministries
Attention Reliant and Connect Student Ministries! Youth group is cancelled this Sunday, 5.26. Enjoy your holiday weekend by spending time with friends and family!

Reliant High School Students, get away and spend time with your friends at Crossings Camp, 7.8-12! Worship and teaching will be interspersed with water sports, ziplining, and tons of other fun activities. Register before 6.2 for a reduced rate of $300 or after 6.2 for $350. The final deadline is 6.17. Sign up at Youth Group or email Noel Perry (

Children's Ministries
Vacation Bible School Save the Date! ‘Turn It Up! VBS 2013’ will be 7.15-17 from 5:45-8:15p with a Family Fun Night on 7.18! Volunteer Sign-ups will be on 6.2 and a Volunteer Meeting will be held after services on 6.9. Registration for children k-5th grade will open on 6.30. Stay tuned for more details!