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Community Members Stock the Shelves at the Food Pantry

Portage-Exchange-Food-Pantry-1On Tuesday, September 18, Curves of Portage joined forces with the Portage Township Food Pantry and Town and Country Market to help stock the shelves at the Food Pantry.

Twelve members of Curves volunteered an hour or two of their time, as did many of the Food Pantry volunteers. Curves manager Robin Taylor and Sarah Tracy, President of the Food Pantry Board, organized the event.

Volunteers handed customers a “Wish List” as they entered Town and Country and invited them to help in any way possible. The Wish List included items such as baby food and formula; canned fruits, vegetables, soups and meats; toilet paper; or any non-perishable item.

Several volunteers commented on the overwhelmingly positive response from the customers. Most people accepted the lists, and many bought and donated items.

Portage-Exchange-Food-Pantry-2Some donated money. Others gave a can or two of food. One young woman brought an entire basket filled with items from the list and donated it all.

The volunteers helped sort the donations as they came in, and others made several trips to take boxes to the pantry.

By the end of the day, the drive had garnered 94 boxes weighing over 2800 pounds and about $400 in cash. Curves is still collecting food at the Willowcreek location. The bags and boxes sitting there will probably bring the total to over 3000 lbs.

Tracy said, “What a great, beautiful day for a Food Drive at Town & Country sponsored by Curves. Thank you to the Portage Community for all the donations and support, all the Portage Food Pantry and Curves volunteers for passing out flyers and separating all the food to make our jobs easier.”

Taylor echoes those sentiments upon hearing the totals. “That’s awesome! A big thank you to everyone who donated their time and food!

Both expressed gratitude to Town and Country for allowing them to set up the collection outside the store.


  • Volunteers from the Portage Township Food Pantry (red shirts) and Curves (black shirts and white windbreaker) get ready to greet customers as they enter Town and Country, asking them to donate to the Food Pantry
  • A volunteer helps sort donated food and non-perishables