Caring, kind, loving and dedicated – these are words her adult children used to describe LaVonne Robey Mueller, one of the people most influential in bringing Junior Miss Softball to Portage. LaVonne passed away recently and three of her children...
Linda Lemond
St. Peter Youth Stocks the Shelves for the Portage Food Pantry
On Monday, March 25, 2013, the St. Peter Lutheran Church youth group, S.P.Y. (St. Peter Youth) helped the Portage Food Pantry stock its shelves by asking for donations at Al's Supermarket on Rt. 6 and McCool Road. Youth Leaders, Ray and Amy...
Community Members Stock the Shelves at the Food Pantry
On Tuesday, September 18, Curves of Portage joined forces with the Portage Township Food Pantry and Town and Country Market to help stock the shelves at the Food Pantry. Twelve members of Curves volunteered an hour or two of their time, as did many...
Martin Riley Makes a Hole in One
Martin E. Riley of Portage, Indiana, got his first hole in one on the fourth hole of River Pointe Country Club's White Course. The hole in one was witnessed by his brother Leland Riley, Michael Lemond, and John Demmond.
PHS Classes of 73-81 to Honor Teachers, Coaches, Alumni
Portage Alumni, teachers, coaches and administrators: If you were part of the Portage Township High School or middle school family between the years of 1973 and 1981, you are invited to a special Gathering at Woodland Park on September 1 beginning at...
Portage Exchange Club Holding Annual Raffle to Help Kids
Did you know that a mere $20 can give you a chance to win a car or some cash, enjoy an all-you-can-eat picnic and help some less fortunate kids? The Portage Exchange Club is selling tickets for its 2012 Charity Raffle for Kids right now. The tickets...
Empty Bowls Project Nets Biggest Contribution to Food Pantry
Representatives from several groups involved in the 2012 Empty Bowls Project attended the Portage Food Pantry's Board Meeting and presented checks totaling $3000. This was the highest amount ever raised by the Empty Bowls Project, which started in...
Fundraiser is Sweet-Smelling Success
Those of us old enough to remember the commercial—“Ding, dong! Avon calling!”—recall the iconic images of women in their gloves, heels and hats bringing cosmetics to the home. Today, the method of selling Avon has changed. Although sales are...
Pillow Project Bringing Comfort to Mastectomy Patients
A simple bean-shaped pillow has brought comfort to hundreds of post-operative mastectomy patients, thanks to the efforts of the members of St. Peter Lutheran Church’s LWML Ladies Guild. Using double layers of soft fleece, the women cut shapes, cut...
PEDCO’s Bert Cook Speaks to Portage Exchange Club
The Portage Exchange Club recently welcomed Bert Cook III, Executive Director of the Portage Economic Development Corporation (PEDCO). Cook explained that PEDCO serves the economic development needs of the Greater Portage Area and discussed the main...