Home»Health»Safety»Morgan Township Elementary School Celebrates 2015 Red Ribbon Week

Morgan Township Elementary School Celebrates 2015 Red Ribbon Week

pcsac-morgan-elementary-2015Over 150 students gathered today at Morgan Township Elementary School to celebrate the Red Ribbon Week Kick-Off event. Porter County Substance Abuse Council President and Ogden Dunes police officer Timothy E. Beach led the rally by identifying reasons why making good choices have life-long implications.

“Raise your hands if you plan on being drug free,” Beach shouted to the crowded auditorium and, with that, all the hands went up. “The Red Ribbon Campaign encompasses four environmental strategies outlined by the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America to address current community public health concerns,” said Council Director Beatrice Owen.

Coroner Chuck Harris continued the program with a brief history of why the Red Ribbon campaign has been a mainstay in public schools for over 20 years with positive documented outcomes, before turning the mic over to TrautPoint0 Counselor Tracy Traut that concluded with empowering remarks.

After the kick-off Harris noted, “The students and faculty at Morgan Township are so enthusiastic about being drug and alcohol free. Red Ribbon is one method, as a community, that we are able to protect our most valuable assets, our children.”

The Red Ribbon campaign is designed to create awareness by introducing the concept of being drug-free to young children. The Substance Abuse Council and others recommend that parents talk to their children about remaining drug free throughout their lifetime. Children whose parents talk to them about drug use and the hazards of drug use are statistically less likely to engage in risky behaviors. Each year at school registration, the Council makes a parent guidebook available that details the types of illegal drugs on the streets, parent strategies and communication tips.

If you suspect your child is using drugs, the Council has drug testing kits available for $5. If you are interested in these resources or others that we have available, visit our website at: www.portercountysac.org and Like Us on Facebook for daily updates.