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Porter County Substance Abuse Council Youth Committee Organize PCYF Festival

Porter County Substance Abuse Council Youth Committee Organize PCYF Festival

The Substance Abuse Council’s Youth Committee is creating an event that will teach their peers the value of focusing on health and wellness; developing family and peer support units; and the significance of cultivating creativity through music and art. National research indicates that these positive elements are powerful in preventing first use of illicit substances such as prescription medications, marijuana and reducing underage drinking. This event is the local youth’s response to the national drug epidemic and will introduce their peers to new interests and skills to help deal with teen emotional, mental and physical transitions they are experiencing.

Their plan is to emphasize the importance of creating positive paths that can be used throughout their lifetime by introducing and reinforcing the importance of health lifestyles and creativity through exhibitions at the festival. “We are planning on inviting local high school bands to perform on stage throughout the night,” said Portage High School committee member Tina Lembcke. “We also will have a meditation and yoga area, obstacles courses, and food trucks, added Valparaiso High School student Gigi Green.

All Porter County School Corporations have been invited to send representatives to collaborate on the festival. “We have had a great turnout and welcome any high school student that would like to help organize the event,” said Stephanie Stephenson, Drug Free Community Grant Specialist. The community is also invited to help out with the event. We are seeking community vendors, sponsorships and volunteers to participate and parents to encourage their high schoolers to attend. The Porter County Expo Center will be the site of the festival on October 7th at 5:30 until 10:00 pm. For more information, please call 219-462-0946.