It’s not everyday that you get to sit down with a cancer survivor, a military veteran, a change-maker in the community, or a thriving high school student and get a look into what it’s like to live in their shoes. By sitting down with the members...
Alexis Largent
#1StudentNWI: Prom season is in the air at Clay High School
What’s recently happened? Clay High School’s (Clay) rendition of “Urinetown" was performed in the auditorium April 18, 19, and 20. “Urinetown" was the final musical put on by Clay’s theatre group. Although bittersweet, many alumni,...
#1StudentNWI: Spring is in the air at Clay High School
What’s recently happened? Clay High School (Clay) hosted its final winter formal, “A Night in Paris.” On February 24, students gathered at the Clay cafeteria to enjoy their final winter dance. The cafeteria, decorated by Clay’s student...
#1StudentNWI: Clay High School’s final home basketball game
What’s recently happened? Clay High School (Clay) recently hosted its final home basketball game ever. For its final home game, Clay played against one of its biggest rivals, New Prairie High School. In order to pay tribute to the many years that...
#1StudentNWI: Winter wonderland at Clay High School
What’s recently happened? January 8 was the first day of Clay High School’s (Clay) final semester. Many students and staff were emotional, talking about how the school year has flown by. Students have been anxiously discussing their plans for the...
#1StudentNWI: Seasons of service at Clay High School
What’s recently happened? Clay High School’s Season of Service has come to an end, with the student council raising over $1,300 for food to benefit the less fortunate members of the community. During the month of December, members of the Clay...
#1StudentNWI: Support Clay High School’s season of service
What’s recently happened? On the spooky evening of November 3, Clay High School threw its final Halloween MORP dance. Students and staff decorated the cafeteria with scary decorations and reminisced about their fond memories of the dances in the...
#1StudentNWI: Clay High School’s final Homecoming
What’s recently happened? On October 6, Clay High School celebrated its final fall Homecoming. The Clay Colonials competed against John Glenn High School with a 19-16 win. Prior to the game, a pep rally was held to hype the student body for...
#1StudentNWI: Homecoming season at Clay High School
What’s recently happened? Although fall has just begun, the same cannot be said about Clay High School’s fall sports. In recent weeks, some of Clay’s fall sports have been celebrating their senior nights. Girls and Boys Soccer celebrated...
#1StudentNWI: Last first year at Clay High School
What’s recently happened? On August 14, Clay High School hosted its final back-to-school block party. Attendees were provided with a free meal cooked by the Culinary Arts Career Technical Education (CTE) class, free t-shirts, and free clear...