La Porte County is a beautiful place. When I moved here, I was in awe of some of the scenic vistas and public spaces offered from Lake Michigan down to the Kankakee River. This spectacular beauty attracts tourists who put millions of dollars into our...
Alicia Ebaugh
Solid Waste District Thanks Organizations and Volunteers Who Helped Make Cleanup Day a Success
La Porte County Community Cleanup Day was a huge success again this year, with ten pickup loads of trash being collected in Michigan City alone! Litter was also removed from La Porte’s beaches, parks and neighborhoods, as well as county roads in...
Coolspring Drama Club Connects with Local Theatre
Nearly 30 members of Coolspring Elementary School’s Drama Club got to explore theatre production firsthand during the Footlight Players’ last musical, “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown!” After the final bows, students went behind the scenes...