Sometimes I think I am pretty important. I spend my days with two Tiny Girls who think THEY are pretty important. At times this causes a bit of a conflict and I'm not sure who whines the loudest about it. If you want to see just how messed up you are...
Heather Curlee Novak
In Love With a City: Valparaiso, Indiana
I know people love things, places, other people. I myself love the Colorado mountains and my rare visits to our cabin there. I love big bodies of water be it the ocean on either side of The States or nearby Lake Michigan. Many of you know I love...
Dirt Girls and the Love Fern
I'm not a great friend. I try, I do but I'm not the person who shows up to clean the house for you (have you seen me cleaning mine lately?) or offers to babysit your kids all day long (I'm good for one hour and then I get twitchy.) I meet a lot of...
One Less Thing: Would You Put It Back?
I am distracted this evening, annoyed with myself and with a woman I know named Lovelyn. Isn't that a grand name? And it suits her. She has that languid, easy flow about her that lets you know she is unruffled in most situations and would serve...
Our ValpoLife Story: Finishing a Couch to 5K with Help from the Porter County Parks
My husband and I are fat. Not Biggest Loser FAT fat, but "Gee, french fries AGAIN this week?" fat. He'd like to drop fifty but I think he's sexy, I have thirty to drop after two kidlets but I still think I'm sexy. In clothes. Winter clothes. Like a...