The Hobart Jaycees Christmas tree lot will be opening this Friday November 28th at Festival Park 111 E Old Ridge Rd. in Hobart. Hours are Friday's from 6:00-8:00 and Saturday and Sunday's from 10:00-6:00 until December 21st or all trees are sold. All...
Hobart Jaycees
2014 Hobart Jayceefest to Relocate to Rugby Field
The Hobart Jaycees annual Jayceefest is undergoing a major facelift this year. The popular event, which originated behind Hobart’s City Hall and then relocated to Northridge Plaza on Rt 6 is moving again. The festival, which will be held June...
Hobart Jaycees Women’s Expo & Quarter Paddle Auction on May 10
The Hobart Jaycees 5th annual Women's Expo is May 10 at the Hobart Elk's Lodge (3580 West 61st Avenue, Hobart) from 10 - 2:30 and this year in addition to great shopping we will be holding a Quarter Paddle Auction! Come on out and help support the...
Registration Now Open for the Hobart Jaycees 2014 Mud Volleyball Tournament
Registration is now open for the Hobart Jaycees Mud Volleyball Tournament scheduled for August 2-3 at the Hobart Rugby Field 112 E Old Ridge Rd. Now in its sixth year the tournament continues to grow and spots for teams are limited. Each co-ed team...
The Hobart Jaycees Easter Egg Hunt Scheduled for April 13th
The Hobart Jaycees annual Easter egg hunt is scheduled for Sunday April 13th 2014. The hunt will be held at Festival Park, 111 E Old Ridge Rd. and will begin promptly at noon, so please be early. This free event is open to all children up to 12 years...
Jaycees to Host September 11th Memorial Parade
The Hobart Jaycees Foundation will be hosting a memorial twilight parade to commemorate the attacks on our country on September 11, 2001. The parade will be a solemn event filled with Police, Fire and Military men and women and their families. It...