Join us for this 4 day event packed full of family fun!!!Thursday August 15th 5 - 11pm – Craft & Food Vendors5 – 11pm –Beer Garden 7pm – Buck Daddy Friday August 16th 5 - 11pm – Craft & Food Vendors5 – 11:45pm – Beer Garden 5pm...
Hobart Special Events
Hobart Summer in the Parks Begins June 8, 2015
Join the city of Hobart in the Summer of 2015 June 8th - August 7th for Summer Arts in the Park. See Below for details. Mondays at the Community Center at 11-2 PM Wednesdays at the City Ball Park at 11-2 PM Fridays at the Hobart Pool at 11-2 PM
Hobart Movies in the Park Begin on June 11, 2015
Join the city of Hobart for Movies in the Park starting on 6/11/2015 and running through 7/30/2015. See below for more information. Thursdays at Festival Park Movies begin at dusk, grab the family and a blanket to enjoy a movie under the stars. 6/11...
2015 Hobart Lakefront Festival Begins August 20th
Come enjoy four days of fun! There will be rockin’ bands, a beer garden, inflatable slides and obstacle courses for children and many arts and craft vendors to enjoy. Fun for everyone! August 20 at 7 - 11 PM : High Noon August 21 at 5 - 6:45 PM :...
2015 Hobart Brews & Blues Set for Saturday, September 19
On Saturday, September 2015, head to Hobart's Festival Park for a rockin' time with the Hobart Brews and Blues Bash! From 2:00pm to 9:00pm, rock out with The Kinsey Report (3:00pm-5:00pm), Dr. Duke Tumatoe & the Power Trio (6:00pm-9:00pm) and...
6th Annual Hobart Clocktower Model Boat Race Set for September 4-7
The City of Hobart welcomes the Indy Masters Clocktower Model Boat Race to Lake George on Thursday, September 4 through Sunday, September 7. The races begin at 8 a.m. and continue throughout the day until 5 p.m. Spectators can view the races from the...
23rd Annual Hobart Lakefront Festival Comes to Festival Park August 14-17
Hobart's Festival Park will play host this weekend to the 23rd Annual Hobart Lakefront Festival! This four-day event features live entertainment, an arts and crafts area, food vendors, and a beer garden. The Lakefront Festival is also proud to host...
City of Hobart Special Events & Parks Department to Host Hobart Brews & Blues on September 20
Hobart Brews & Blues event welcomes local breweries from Indiana and beyond to our beautiful Festival Park on Lake. General admission begins at 3pm with several breweries serving unlimited samples of their product and food available for purchase....