The yard waste compost site on Zigler Road will soon be shut down for at least a month to process all the leaves, grass, brush and branches on the site, the La Porte County Solid Waste District has announced. The closure will be required for safety,...
La Porte County Solid Waste District
Illegal Dumping Being Prosecuted at La Porte County Solid Waste District’s Public Recycling Bin
Surveillance at the La Porte County Solid Waste District’s public recycling dumpster in Michigan City has resulted in an investigation into illegal dumping of medical waste. District staff called Michigan City police Tuesday night after...
La Porte County Solid Waste District Offers Free Residential Document Destruction
The La Porte County Solid Waste District is now offering free document destruction to county residents year-round at its office, 2857 W. State Road 2. The District has installed a secure drop box at its office where residents can bring up to two...
La Porte County Solid Waste District Holds 2015 Clean Up Day
The La Porte County Solid Waste District’s Clean It Up Day on May 2 was a huge success again this year, with more than 400 volunteers participating in 35 cleanups countywide! Half of the cleanups were completed in Michigan City alone, involving...
Stop Illegal Dumping at Public Access Recycling
As the weather improves, the La Porte County Solid Waste District wants to remind residents that we are monitoring our public access recycling sites in Michigan City and Hanna for illegal dumping. Anyone dumping non-recyclable materials may be fined....
Recycling Collection Delayed One Day for the Entire Week, February 2, 2015
Recycling collections for this week are being pushed back one day due to excessive snow and icy conditions, the La Porte County Solid Waste District has announced. This means Michigan City residents will be collected Tuesday instead of Monday. The...
Westville Compost Site Temporary Closure in February 2015
The La Porte County Solid Waste District’s compost site at Westville Correctional Facility will be closed for up to two weeks in February for site maintenance, the District announced. The site is scheduled to be closed from Feb. 11 to Feb. 25. The...
Solid Waste District Seeking New Advisory Committee Volunteers
The La Porte County Solid Waste District is looking for environmentally minded citizens to volunteer for its Citizen’s Advisory Committee, a board that allows residents to have direct input on the county’s solid waste planning and management...
Westville Compost Site Closing for the 2014 Season
The last day of the 2014 season for public access to the compost site at Westville Correctional Facility will be Friday, Dec. 19, the La Porte County Solid Waste District announced. The site will reopen Jan. 5 for regular business hours, 8 a.m. to 11...
Kingsbury Public Recycling Bin is Being Removed
The public recycling bin located in the Kingsbury Fish & Wildlife Area will be permanently removed this week due to contamination issues, the La Porte County Solid Waste District announced Monday. Director Clay Turner said the property owner...