It’s not everyday that you get to sit down with a cancer survivor, a military veteran, a change-maker in the community, or a thriving high school student and get a look into what it’s like to live in their shoes. By sitting down with the members...
Rita Muñoz
#1StudentNWI: Court appeals At Morton High
What’s recently happened? Teacher Jeff Swisher set up an educational event on March 28 for incoming law students with the accompaniment of the juniors and seniors. The Court of Appeals in Indiana hears appeals from the state trial courts. This...
#1StudentNWI: Theater team acts together to perform one of the most serious productions at Morton High School
What's currently happening? From March 9 to March 12, Morton High School’s adaption of the classic 1957 film “12 Angry Men,” dubbed “Angry Jurors,” has been Morton’s most recent sensation. Starring Hammond Arts & Performance Academy...
#1StudentNWI: BSU brings the fun at Morton High School
What's recently happened? Morton High School has started its second semester of school. February has been a very important month during this time, as this is when Black History Month occurs. In honor of Black History Month, Morton, alongside the...
#1StudentNWI: Reading up on January at Morton High School
What's recently happened? For entertainment purposes after a long winter break, Morton High School is hosting a winter ball for all students. The theme celebrates rites of passage and speaking to the dead. It will be a night when students come up...
#1StudentNWI: Spreading holiday cheer at Morton High School
What's recently happened? The Hammond Academy for the Performing Arts (HAPA) has spread Christmas cheer all throughout the school. As the time grew closer to the final performance day, flyers were posted digitally and throughout the hall...
#1StudentNWI: Have a HAPA holiday at Morton
What's recently happened? “Lion King Jr.” was a huge musical put together with the efforts of people of all ages. Director Sondra Davis made the show complete by teaching everyone the Swahili language that was sung throughout the entire...
#1StudentNWI: Shining stars ascending from Morton
What’s recently happened? A show, inspired by live TV, has recently been brought to Hammond. Hammond Arts & Performance Academy (HAPA) has shown the beauties of expressing emotions with even the smallest movements. They have multiple bright...
#1StudentNWI: US Government draws the attention at Hammond High School
What's recently happened? This year, the Hammond Morton senior class of dual credit government has decided to take its objective outdoors. The class decided to create illustrations relating to each amendment of the constitution. The canvas...