The time is once again upon us: WVLP is holding its annual community dinner known as the Hog Roast. As always, we are using the comfortable venue, The Butterfield Pavilion (located at the fairgrounds), and our feast will be catered this year by KP...
WVLP 98.3 FM
Stars Over Valpo Promises Another Amazing Show in 2015
ValpoLife called it "One of the best ten concerts of the Year." STARS OVER VALPO will happen again this year on Sunday, March 29th from 6:00-8:00 PM and the Valparaiso University Center for the Performing Arts (VUCA). Want a taste of what the...
WVLP 2015 Music Shows
Did you know that there are so many great shows that you can listen to on WVLP? Now that they are streaming to more people all over the country, more people can take part. There are different genres that the eclectic array of hosts touch on like...
WVLP Presents Eric Brant’s Premiere Show
98.3 FM WVLP will be the place to hear about all the theatre and arts happening in the region when NWI Spotlight on the Arts airs every Thursday from 10 to 11 AM. Sponsored by Chicago Street Theatre and the Northwest Indiana Excellence in Theatre...
Share Your Passion with Your Community During WVLP RadioThon
Monday, November 17 Sunday, November 23, 2010 WVLP invites the good people of Valparaiso to come and share a half hour to an hour of what they love. Play music, interview a friend, tell about a moving experience, read a favorite story whatever...
WVLP 98.3 FM Hog Roast Set for July 10
WVLP 98.3 FM ValpoRadio will hold their annual hog roast on Thursday, July 10 at Butterfield Pavilion. With a feast sponsored by Strongbow Inn, tickets to the event are $20, with children younger than 10 eating free with a paying adult. Roasted pork,...
WVLP 98.3 FM Valpo Radio Broadcast Schedule
MONDAY 07:00 – 08:00 am Morning Show News and events with Kathy Dewitt and Rich Schmidt 09:00 – 10:00 am Democracy Now Left-leaning political discussion with Amy Goodman 10:00 - 11:00 am Money Matters Dollars and cents talk with Greg Farrall...
Stars Over Valpo
We would like to invite everyone to our annual fundraising event, "Stars Over Valpo", which is a musical revue featuring the best local artists around. Fun, fast-paced entertainment for every age group and for lovers of good music. The event will...
Annual Hog Roast to be Held July 26
The annual WVLP Hog Roast will again take place this year at Butterfield Pavilion, on Friday, July 26, 2013. This year's roast is catered by Strongbow, with a menu featuring roasted pork, chicken, various sides and desserts, and beverages, along with...
Hog Roast to Again Benefit Local Radio Station
Local radio station WVLP will host their Annual Hog Roast on Friday, July 27, 2012, at the Butterfield Pavilion. This year's roast will be catered by Strongbow. The menu features roasted pork, a vegetarian cuisine, chicken, various sides, and great...