Networking will assist you in developing and improving your skill set, retain a pulse on the job market, stay ahead of the latest trends in your industry, meet potential mentors, partners, and clients, as well as gain access to the necessary...
Do you have learning barriers with utilizing the computer? Do you want to learn how to use the computer on a basic skill level? Feel free to attend the Basic Computer Skills workshop to learn the basics of the computer starting with the mouse and...
Goodwill Career Centers are offering the NorthStar Digital Literacy Project Basic Computer Skills Certification. In the training you will complete numerous tasks that will be assessed online through self-guided modules. Included are basic computer...
The Goodwill Griffith Career Centers want to prepare you with both digital and soft skills. Therefore, throughout the month of July, we will offer daily virtual workshops that can be completed in increments, with assessments and certifications...
The Goodwill Griffith Career Centers want to prepare you with both digital and soft skills. Therefore, throughout the month of July, we will offer daily virtual workshops that can be completed in increments, with assessments and certifications...
Meet local hiring employers in Manufacturing, Hospitality, Retail, and Tourism. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED to attend. Social distancing guidelines will be implemented. Face masks will be REQUIRED to be worn by all attendees, employers, and hosts....
The La Porte Economic Advancement Partnership will host the 46th Annual Play Day Golf Outing on July 17 at Briar Leaf Golf Club, 3233 IN-39 in La Porte. LEAP will adhere to all social distancing protocols on the day of the event. The outing will...
Women in Leadership of La Porte County will feature Tania Bengtsson, CEO of Growth Spark, presenting “Living in Our Zone of Genius.” The meeting will be held via Zoom on June 9 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., CST. We’ve all heard about Living in Our...
Michigan City, IN –The City of Michigan City, Economic Development Corporation Michigan City, Michigan City Chamber of Commerce, Northwest Indiana Workforce Board, WorkOne, and the Blue Chip Casino are continuing their partnership to host the 5th...