Churches have long been the center of many communities here in America. They offer more than a place to pray; they work to build stronger communities and to help those in need. They give a sense of purpose to those who may find themselves lost and...
Join Calvary Church for 2017 Father’s Day in the Park!
Summer is Lake Michigan on a sunny day, a cold drink on the back deck at twilight, and best of all, Father’s Day in the Park! Our community worship service has become one of the highlights of the season for me. I can’t wait to see all of you at...
10 Fun Things to Do This Weekend in Northwest Indiana June 16 – 18, 2017
Another weekend of fun, diverse events are to come. With Father’s Day on Sunday, let’s take this weekend to enjoy time with Dad. Take him out for beer and live musical performances at the Crown Point Crossroads Chamber Food and Art fest or to...
Calvary Link: Jump In
Last summer I was biking with friends in Southwest Michigan on a steamy day in July. We ventured out on a long trail and returned to the shores of Lake Michigan after a two-hour ride. We hadn't planned on taking a swim, but those waves looked too...
Calvary Link: Summer is Here
The Psalms are the music of summer for us this year and I love it. There is so much to look forward to this season—more God Songs, our big Father’s Day in the Park, and lots of events to help you and your family make new friends here at Calvary....
Calvary Link: Summer Life 2017
Summer is my favorite time of the year—relaxing on the back deck, taking long bike rides by the lake, gathering with friends to grill…and baseball season! I love it all. Summer is a new season in the life of our church, too. I’ve been looking...
Calvary Link: God Songs
Join us this weekend as we begin a brand new series, God Songs: Expositions in the Psalms. I love this book and read from it every day so I feel like I’ve been preparing for this series for almost 30 years! This Sunday’s sermon is entitled...
Calvary Link: Our Children
What we want most for our children (and grandchildren) is their present and future happiness. There are so many important things we can do for our kids for their joy, but I believe with all my heart that the greatest thing we can do for them is to...
Calvary Link: Teamwork
I believe that the best way to change lives forever is by working as a team. Teamwork is everywhere at Calvary - Global Outreach team, worship team, Student Ministries team, Children’s Ministries team, leadership team, Serve Teams. We even have a...
Calvary Link: Life Change
Last Sunday, we witnessed baptisms in all 3 of our Sunday morning services. The number of baptisms I’ve seen probably numbers in the thousands by now, but I will never get tired of watching people take part in this ancient ritual. It is rich with...