Partner, Lifers share a final warm-weather hurrah at GreatNews.Life Annual Summer Bash

Partner, Lifers share a final warm-weather hurrah at GreatNews.Life Annual Summer Bash A joyfully chaotic cacophony of cheers and laughter erupted from the spectators overflowing the backyard at Camp Life, as six valiant competitors dove face-first into their awaiting Culver’s banana splits. No onlooker was safe from the whipped...

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Data backups, employee training key to ransomware attack protection

Data backups, employee training key to ransomware attack protection We’ve all heard the horror stories. Maybe it has even happened to you. While typing along on your computer, minding your own business, a pop-up window appears demanding money in exchange for your data. Ransomware attacks like these have been making...

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Chester Inc. partners with Wayne Enterprises to bring new location to downtown Valparaiso

Chester Inc. partners with Wayne Enterprises to bring new location to downtown Valparaiso As the sun shined brightly down at 256 Franklin St., Valparaiso on Tuesday, community leaders, city officials, and directors from both Chester, Inc., and Wayne Enterprises gathered to host a groundbreaking to celebrate the start of a new residential...

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Chester, Inc., divisions wins Best of Business awards and runner-up recognitions

Chester, Inc., divisions wins Best of Business awards and runner-up recognitions Chester IT, and Chester Architectural & Construction Services, both divisions of Chester, Inc., have been voted Best in Business and received runner-up recognitions in several categories in the Northwest Indiana Business Magazine annual...

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Grain Bin to Bring Educational, Sustainable gathering Opportunities to Sunset Hill Farm County Park

Grain Bin to Bring Educational, Sustainable gathering Opportunities to Sunset Hill Farm County Park It's not your typical party hall. Or classroom. But the new grain bin at Sunset Hill Farm County Park will serve as both when it opens in late Spring. The structure, which is being built by Chester, Inc., will provide educational space, while...

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