When Louise Chickie-Wolfe thinks about her late husband Raleigh, she is “joyfully overwhelmed” with their inspiring love story. Working as Raleigh’s medical secretary at the Hammond Clinic in their Clinical Psychology department, Louise and her...
10 Fun Things To Do in Northwest Indiana this weekend, August 24 – August 27
As August comes to a close and fall approaches ever closer, it’s time to reflect on the joys of summer and get outside for one last hurrah! From bike rides to musical performances to summer markets, you’re sure to find something that makes you...
Hospice of the Calumet Area to cherish life during Butterflies in Park Event August 27
Last year, seven-year-old Ethan Frazier released a butterfly in honor of his aunt, 15-year-old Ryan Maldonado released one in memory of his grandparents and 10-year-old Addie Logue honored her “Pappou.” Hospice...
Monsignor Joseph Semancik celebrates 70 years of faith and leadership
Featured image: (From bottom left) Adrianne May, CEO of Hospice of the Calumet Area; Msgr. Joseph Semancik; Michelle Golden CEO of Books, Brushes and Band. (From top left) Damian Rico, Director of Marketing and Community Relations, Joan...
Hospice of the Calumet Area Volunteer Spotlight
When Hospice of the Calumet Area's William J. Riley Memorial Residence was recently in need of two dishwashers, volunteers Bruce and Janet Kukuch decided to donate one. Bruce asked Lowe’s if they could possibly discount a second dishwasher and...
Friends support Hospice of the Calumet Area Cherishing Life efforts
On Thursday, Feb. 23, the Friends of Hospice hosted their annual luncheon at the Center for Visual and Performing Arts. Friends, the fundraising auxiliary of Hospice of the Calumet Area, presented a check for $100,000 to support their Cherishing Life...
Schererville Lions Serves Meals
The Schererville Lions hosted a Drive Through Fundraiser for Hospice of the Calumet Area last month. The Lions served chicken and pork meals. The group presented a check to HCA for $500. “It’s just a small token of our appreciation...
A Heart for her Community
Munster High School Senior Anna Castillo is destined for greatness with her philanthropic soul and her genuinely radiant personality. When she heard Hospice of the Calumet Area was undertaking an Honoring Legacies: Capital Campaign for their...
Cherishing Life Milestone: Hospice of the Calumet Area celebrates RN J.D. Dzurovcik
Countless thank you notes, cards, and recommendations continually flood the Hospice of the Calumet Area office commending the compassion of their "Angel on Earth." When J.D. Dzurovcik experienced a devastating business venture setback, it turned out...