The popular Kids Summer Park Program at Hawthorne Park, will be starting soon. The program will run for four separate weeks this year with sessions going June 5th-9th, June 19th-23rd, June 26th-30th, and July 17th-21st. The four themed weeks include...
Town of Porter
Hawthorne Park Playground Install Looking for Volunteers in 2017
Porter’s own Ruth “Babe” Poparad took one of the last trips down the twist slide at the Hawthorne Park playground last week prior to its demolition (photos attached). Babe was also the first person to slide down the twist slide when the slide...
Free Kid’s Fishing Derby at Porter’s Indian Springs Park set for June 17, 2015
Is your 6-12 year old interested in learning how to fish, or would they like to show off the fishing skills they already have? If you answered yes, then get them signed up for the MS4 Kids Fishing Derby at Indian Springs Park scheduled for Wednesday,...
Easter Bunny to Make Annual Appearance at Hawthorne Park on Saturday, March 28th
Hippity Hop on over to Porter's Hawthorne Park on this Saturday, March 28th for the Town of Porter Park Department Annual Easter Egg Hunt! The Easter Egg Hunt is free to all children 9 and younger. Children will be assigned to areas by age groups 1-3...
Painting Classes and Ice Cream Slated for Porter’s Hawthorne Park in November
If you missed the first Kids & Canvas back in September, than mark your calendar for Sunday, November 9th when the popular program comes back to the Community Center at Hawthorne Park. Bring your budding artist by themselves, or with a group of...
Porter Park Department Boo Bash a Haunting Success!
Ghouls and goblins of all ages had a great time at the Porter Park Department Boo Bash Halloween Party at Hawthorne Park this past Sunday afternoon. Attendees to this family-friendly event had plenty of activities to choose from, including a craft...
Even More October Events at Porter’s Hawthorne Park
If you thought Porter’s Perfect Pint was the only event happening at Hawthorne Park this October, have we got news for you! Three more events will be taking place over the next two weeks for the area’s goblins, ghouls, and amateur artists. If you...
Fourth Annual Pint Fest To Take Place on October 11th
In just a few short days Porter’s Hawthorne Park will be filled with the familiar sound of clinking glasses and conversations of barley, hops, and wheat thanks to the arrival of the 4th annual Porter’s Perfect Pint Festival. The craft beer and...
Two Opportunities for Painting Classes at Hawthorne Park this Week
Tap into your artistic side this Wednesday, August 27th and Friday, August 29th by taking part in two painting classes taking place at the Community Center in Hawthorne Park. The Town of Porter Park Department in partnership with the Porter County...
Two Opportunities for Painting Classes at Hawthorne Park this Week
Tap into your artistic side this Wednesday, August 27th and Friday, August 29th by taking part in two painting classes taking place at the Community Center in Hawthorne Park. The Town of Porter Park Department in partnership with the Porter County...