
While we like to be everywhere good news is happening, we’re only human. That’s why we rely on you to help us spread it! From feel-good stories about kids getting Christmas wishes to expert opinions on the things happening in your community, GreatNews.Life has been helping amplify voices in the community since the very beginning.

LEAP’s ‘Plugged In La Porte’ podcast spotlights local stories, developments, and opportunities

LEAP’s ‘Plugged In La Porte’ podcast spotlights local stories, developments, and opportunities National news, true crime, comedy, and science – these are all topics that you can find at the top of the podcast charts. Podcasts focusing on local news or the people and places around you are much rarer. You might see a business go up, a new...

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The Society of Innovators Drives Innovation in Northwest Indiana

The Society of Innovators Drives Innovation in Northwest Indiana Founded in 2005, the Society of Innovators’ mission has remained simple: help drive entrepreneurship and innovation in Northwest Indiana by shining a spotlight on our region’s innovators. During the past 20 years, the Society has inducted...

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Korean War veteran Andy Michel recalls his service after Honor Flight to Washington DC

Korean War veteran Andy Michel recalls his service after Honor Flight to Washington DC The U.S. military calls it the “tooth-to-tail” ratio: The number of rear-echelon troops (or tail) it takes to support a combat soldier (or tooth). In World War II, only 19 percent of soldiers (or Marines or sailors or airmen) ever saw the front...

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Journalist Celebrates 100 Years of Grantland Rice’s Iconic Lead with AI-Enhanced Game Storytelling

Journalist Celebrates 100 Years of Grantland Rice’s Iconic Lead with AI-Enhanced Game Storytelling In celebration of the 100th anniversary of legendary sportswriter Grantland Rice’s unforgettable lead, “Outlined against a blue-gray October sky,” a sports journalist and educator is paying tribute to his poetic and enduring style throughout...

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Mind on Money: Assuming interest rates will be reduced this year doesn’t mean they will

Mind on Money: Assuming interest rates will be reduced this year doesn’t mean they will It’s been 44 years since my alma mater, Purdue University, made it to the Final Four of the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament. So long, that I, of course, have no recollection. I do have recollection of many years of heart ache during March...

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Mind on Money: As fraud attempts become more sophisticated, it’s time for extreme vigilance

Mind on Money: As fraud attempts become more sophisticated, it’s time for extreme vigilance I had another topic in mind for today, but the start of this week has been so disturbing that I had to change gears. Last week was spring break in our family and we took a long-planned trip to the Caribbean (out of the country) with a couple other...

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